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A Conversation with Danny Hooper


In a unique conversation with Canada’s greatest entertainers, Dustin Serviss gives listeners an insight into the background of how Danny Hooper built his career.

As an award-winning recording artist, keynote speaker, award-winning media personality, comedic emcee, and celebrity fundraising auctioneer, Danny Hooper has experienced a life of ups and downs both personally and professionally.

His time in various industries has helped him learn how to overcome adversity and obstacles and living the life you want today.

Living Passionately, Today

As an entertainer and entrepreneur, Hooper has learned the hard lessons of living with joy and passion today. While careers come and go, finding something that brings you joy and fun each and every day is key to a passionate life.

For Danny, his time as an entertainer and fundraising personality has helped him find the joy that keeps him waking up fresh each day. Rather than looking forward to the time he can finally put down the mic, Hooper has found a purpose that keeps him going until he takes his final breath.

Want to take it one step further? Take that core skill set and passion, and figure out how to monetize those core skills into a lucrative career.

Overcoming Decision Paralysis

COVID-19 hasn’t been the only pandemic to strike the world. For many, an insidious, hidden pandemic rests under our potential - decision fear and paralysis.

For Danny Hooper, the experiences of making pivots in careers and industries have helped him learn valuable lessons of overcoming decision paralysis. To help him overcome the fears and anxieties that come with making big decisions, Hooper has surrounded himself with wise and experienced individuals.

Having a set of trusted people who can give you guidance and experience-based knowledge is invaluable as you work toward your goals.

Once the decision rests with him, Hooper takes it down to the basics. Every decision in life - both in personal and business opportunities - can be taken apart and analyzed. However, it takes time and energy to invest in making high-quality decisions.

If you are willing to take a look deeper at a decision, determine the worst possible outcome, and mitigate the risk, you can move forward with confidence.

Hooper’s Formula For A Wealthy Life: SFP

In living a wealthy life, Hooper has developed a streamlined formula for success: SFP:

S - Simple

F - Fun

P- Profitable

Whether in business or in daily life, keeping every decision simple, fun, and profitable will help you maintain joy and purpose. The moment that you start to notice that a part of your life starts to consistently lack in one or more of these areas, it may be time to pivot into something else.

Why? Because you only get one life to live. You have to make sure it’s the one for you!

Don’t Miss Danny Hooper On The Picture Of Wealth

You won’t want to miss the incredible conversation with Danny Hooper, as he pulls back the curtain on a life of entertainment and personal growth. Listen to the full interview between Dustin and Danny Hooper on The Picture of Wealth!

Want to hear more great lessons on life, happiness, and true wealth? Check out the Picture of Wealth podcast - hosted by Dustin Serviss. Discover the tips, tricks, and insights that unlock a life well spent. Listen today where you listen to podcasts.



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