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2021 Investment Supertrends


2020 reminded us all that the world is less stable, and markets respond quickly to changes.

When looking to insulate your portfolio against unexpected global environments, it is important to have expert advice on how to navigate. While staying diverse in your portfolio and looking to cyclical investments is always wise, there are some events that are simply too unexpected to prepare for:

  • The 2008 Financial Crisis

  • The 2011 Euro Summer Debt Crisis

  • The Commodity Bust of 2014

  • The Coronavirus Pandemic of 2020

After skating through these economic upheavals, CEO Tyler Mordy and his team of global financial advisors at Forstrong Global have developed methods for understanding themes of markets. Looking past the events of 2020 and the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, Mordy has developed and released several investment supertrends for 2021 and beyond:

2021 Investment Supertrends

According to Mordy and the Forstrong Global team, there are several opportunities that lie in the years ahead for those who are willing to take the time and risk to jump in on a post-COVID market.

Globalization Is A Double-Edged Sword: Companies that were once thought to be major multinational powerhouses are now finding themselves competing against companies in other countries that are fast catching up.

Emerging Markets Are Still Rising: Valuation in emerging markets is continuing to rise after nearly two decades of under competing the United States.

Economic Resets Shake Up Fiscal Policy: World economies that once operated on austerity measures post-2008 are now spending like crazy during a health crisis. This will impact how global stocks respond, and the vectors of health and financial impacts will determine who comes out on top.

While nobody can be sure what the future will look like in a post-COVID world, one thing is for sure: the picture of wealth in the past year has looked a lot different than many expected.

The unexpected gift of the pandemic has been the chance for us all to reconsider what wealth looks like today - in view of an uncertain tomorrow.

Want to hear more great lessons on life, happiness, and true wealth? Check out the Picture of Wealth podcast - hosted by Dustin Serviss. Discover the tips, tricks, and insights that unlock a life well spent. Listen today where you listen to podcasts.



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